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The Light has Overcome

There are honestly so many different things that God has been speaking to me about lately and as I sat down to write this post, I was trying to figure out how to choose what to focus on. Over the last few weeks one word has continued to come up: Vulnerability.

Vulnerability is defined as the “quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally”.

Nothing about that definition makes me want to raise my hand and say “sign me up!” No, that sounds incredibly terrifying, but for the past couple of weeks God has been calling me to step into a place of vulnerability. For a while I didn’t really know what that meant, I just knew that thinking about it made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I think sometimes we are under the false belief that following Jesus isn’t supposed to be scary…but Jesus constantly calls us out of our comfort zone, and I don’t know about you, but that can be pretty scary.

So, what does vulnerability look like? That’s a hard one, because I think it can be different for different people. For instance, I felt like God was calling me to be more open and share more about my life and what He was doing in me. So, I started doing this, and it was a bit uncomfortable at times. I remember talking with one of my leaders and I just started sharing everything I had been thinking and feeling. I told her that I don’t like to share things before I have processed them, because I can’t really control the way I communicate. It was a huge step towards vulnerability for me to talk without a filter, without controlling what pieces of my heart were seen, and which were left hidden. Now, I’m not saying it’s a good idea to share this kind of thing with just anyone. There is still wisdom in vulnerability. You see, I knew I could trust this person. She had proven herself to me as a loyal friend and wise leader and God showed me that I could trust her with the nitty gritty of my life.

I don’t think many people know this about me, but I’ve experienced a great deal of betrayal in my life, especially from people that I deeply trusted. So, suffice to say, this kind of open, walls down, heart out, kind of communication feels a lot like trying to fit 15 people in an elevator—uncomfortable, unnecessary, and suffocating...

Another word God has been speaking is authenticity. Authenticity is “the quality of being real or true”. Vulnerability leads to authenticity and authenticity allows vulnerability. It’s a circle, the more open and honest we are, the more our real, true self is seen and the more real and true we are to ourselves, the more we are able to be open and honest.

So, what does this all have to do with light? Well, being hidden is a lot like being in the dark--you aren't seen, you aren't known. So, choosing vulnerability and authenticity is like stepping out into the light, allowing people to see you, allowing yourself to be known. I think oftentimes, especially when we have been hurt, it feels a bit safer to have a nocturnal heart. But God has not called us to be people of darkness, but rather, people of light, people in the light.

John 1:1-5 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

Jesus is the light that exposes the darkness. When we choose to walk in vulnerability, to be seen, we are choosing to walk in His life and His truth. Jesus is the light that is not overcome by the darkness, but rather He overcame the darkness. He overcomes our darkness. He sees the places that we hide, the parts of our hearts that we keep hidden from the world--they aren't hidden from him. Not only does He see them, but He wants to expose them, not to create fear or shame, but the bring freedom.

So, I want to extend a challenge to you. I want to invite you to ask God what vulnerability would look like in your life. What it would look like for you to be fully known. Maybe that means opening up to a friend or family member, maybe that means sharing a part of your story that no one has ever heard, maybe it just means being real with God and telling Him about the places of fear and doubt in your heart. Whatever vulnerability looks like for you, step out in faith and walk in the light. You might be surprised at how much it opens you up to greater freedom and authenticity.

Also, for those of you who have walked in vulnerability before and were betrayed and hurt by the people you trusted...I get it, I've been there, and honestly those experiences made it harder for me to want to try again. I can say that each time I choose faith over fear, it is always worth it. Jesus didn't promise a pain free life, but He did promise a full one, and He always fulfills His word.

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